Showing posts with label China Glaze. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China Glaze. Show all posts

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ruby, Ruby, Ruby you are mine!

Over the rainbow on Ruby Pumps!
I always wanted a pair of Dorothy's Ruby Slippers!! I still do! But since I haven't found the perfect pair (yet!!) I'll have to compromise and settle for a humble alternative- on my nails, No less! Presenting to you the very very very very very HIGHLY acclaimed, over talked-about Ruby Pumps by China Glaze. Lets see how she lives up to her reputation.

Without flash

Application: This is a glitter suspended in red jelly, and was most uneven at first coat. It is a definite 3-coater, or it could be just me. But then again, MANY of CGlaze's colours do require at least three coats (my 'something sweet' did, too). It gooped up just a weeeeee bit, though it could be due to my (lack of) skills as well. But darling seche fixed all that in a jiffy!

See that lovely gloss!

Disclaimer: I'm very sure this colour was invented with CGlaze EXPECTING people to use a top coat, because I must tell you that it looks dark, dull and lifeless without one! Even the glitter does not stand out! In these pictures I had used TWO coats of Seche Vite to achieve the glazed, ruby-like look of it. A few days later I applied another coat of Nubar Diamont topcoat and let me tell you, nail junkies, Nubar (I must've gotten the old formula) works absolute wonders. It's glossier than Seche twofold. A pity about what happened to it, though.

With flash

Did you know that ruby also happens to be my birthstone? Heh heh!
In all honesty, I was disappointed and HATED the colour on me at first. So much for all that hype! I found the red too cool and dark for me, somehow I was expecting a younger, more popping red. Like if only the actual colour could be the one with flash! I thought my hands looked really mature (ugh!). Salima will no doubt remember me complaining to her about how I hated the colour, but then, y'know it started to grow on me!

So much so that when it started to chip, I removed and REAPPLYED THE SAME COLOUR and had it for a week. I was deciding if I should keep the colour for Attica's Red themed party and for me to keep the same colour for a week, that is some feat my ruby baby has achieved! Congrats!

So I DID wear rubyP to the party, and you can see how (as sali pointed out) it stood out from my skin. People even asked if I got them done at a salon. I was pleasantly pleased at the effect! =D

OK I hope this is evident in the pic please concentrate on the middle area of the picture which is my nails, thanks. See how this little darling stands out? Though to be fair, you all must know that I only got a desirable shine after two coats of Seche Vite and one of Nubar Diamont. SO!

Bonus pic!
Freaky shot.
But dyamn, my hands so white, they can compete with Edward Cullen's! OK, I meant Dita Von Teese.

'I've got a girl and Ruby is her name. She don't love me but I love her just the same'

Saturday, December 18, 2010

All things Nails Wishlist

Here's a list of Nail-ly stuff I'm super duper eyeing and intend to get in the near future, despite my plunging brokeness >.<

After days of scourging through the online nail community, here are the nail care products that I really want to try out:

1. Nail Tek Foundation II (I have this now and I love this, it is everything it says it is)
2. Nail Tech Xtra
3. Seche Vite fast drying top coat (I have this now- love it!)

4. Pink Spice, Accessorize I've got it, yay!! will year it for this CNY! ^_^
5. Space Cadet, ORLY I've got this, have yet to post pictures!
6. Snowcone, ORLY
7. Lemondrop, ORLY
8. Lollipop, ORLY
9. Ruby Pumps, China Glaze (I've got this one too, check out my review)